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Geographer's room at the palace, where the council was to be held.

"Ever since the Penguin reached these shores," observed Onneyubla, "many suggestions have been made concerning the fitting out of an expedition from Neuroomia to visit other lands, and I am inclined to favour the project, for if one ship can arrive here, it is not, I think, unreasonable to suppose that another might be able to depart, and now seems an opportune time for that purpose."

"If the channel is still free from ice," I said, "it should not prove a very difficult task to navigate a vessel to the open seas beyond; but the return journey might prove a hazardous undertaking, for the channel may be frozen over."

"The Government have already had several offers from sea-faring men who are anxious to join the expedition," was the reply, "and it appears to me quite possible they may be able to return in safety, for the country will make strenuous efforts to keep a close look-out for them when they might be expected to return."

I must confess that I did not at first relish the idea of sending an expedition, for I thought it possible they might wish me to take charge of it, a pleasant enough venture, if there happened to be