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towards us. He said the hour fixed for departure had been postponed, but that he did not regret it, for the members of the expedition were to be increased considerably, and would include Onneyubla, Yeyema, and a number of ladies.

Alvarez was overjoyed at this, and went off to seek her companions. Preparations were continued for some time, but at last all was ready, and the great cavalcade moved slowly away from the palace, headed by Onneyubla. There were no conveyances, for they would be useless in the mountains; but every one had a flanilla to ride, and there was a number of spare ones driven in a herd. Many also were packed, and led by young attendants.

"This is what I call life," observed Alvarez, who was now by my side; and more than once during the journey I felt the force of the remark, for everything was beautiful, and the sun warmed up the world. The aged were as gay and happy as the young.

Our route was to be the same as that traversed by Yondozi and myself some time previously; so we made for the opening in the hills. Our camping places, previous to going to rest, were enlivened by songs, speeches, recitations and theatrical entertainments. Not the least charming among the performers was the attractable Delemia,