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of the finest structures I had yet seen in the city. We alighted, and I followed my guides into a spacious apartment, where there was a young lady evidently in attendance. After exchanging a few words with her, they led into another room, where a sumptuous meal was laid on a very large table. This pleased me not a little, for I was hungry, not having tasted food for some time. We sat down, and though the victuals were new to me, I did ample justice to the repast. There were many vacant seats, and other guests arrived at intervals, till nearly the whole were occupied.

On the way out I met the young lady again, and, taking a sovereign from my pocket, placed it on the table. She took it up, examined it closely, looked smilingly towards me, and returned it. One of my new friends who saw this appeared interested, so I showed him some more coins, bank notes, and a blank P.N. It now began to dawn upon me that I had not the proper currency for this country. Nor was I wrong, for my friend showed me some of his coins. They were of different sizes, but all of the one metal, which was of a dark colour, very hard and heavy. On returning them to him, he put them, with a number of others, into a small bag, which he presented to me. I then wished, him