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overlook her conduct, and regretted having caused me pain or annoyance. However, we let the matter drop, but I could not readily forget the juggling business, and began to think she could not have much poetry in her nature, and also that she was too old for me; now that I knew her age; but worst of all, I felt unwell, and knew that my liver was out of order, so I sought out my sleeping apartment, threw myself on the bed, and was soon fast asleep.

On waking, I found myself quite refreshed, and also quite cured of my love for Estas—that one toss in the air did it. My first impulse was to leave immediately, but on going out, I met Banyaba, who desired me to prolong my visit. I could see, by his surprise when I spoke of taking my departure, that he knew nothing of the little incident with his sister.

Estas and Arizenda now put in an appearance. They were as courtly as before, and I yielded to the request of the latter to remain longer, for, after all, the affair with the elder sister was the result of a misunderstanding, and on thinking the matter over, I came to the conclusion that it might be unkind of me to leave these well-meaning persons abruptly.

The ladies now withdrew, and Banyaba began to