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were flying through the waters of the stormless Noccalattan Sea in the direction of the Pole.

This sea, Ilaclatella informed me, was land-locked, of considerable lengthy and connected only by a narrow channel with the great expanse of open water in the vicinity of the icefields. Atazatlan was, he said, near the extreme end, and along its shores were the largest cities of Neuroomia.

On we sped, past harbours and cities; for the Dadoti as the boat was called, ran direct from Atazatlan to Tehana. The air was clear, cold, and invigorating, and I was in the highest spirits; indeed, I felt twenty years younger than when I first came to Atazatlan, and at intervals viewed with innate pleasure the change for the better that was taking place in my countenance and figure. I was evidently getting younger in years and ideas, and my hopes were never brighter. The iron-grey hairs were fast disappearing from my head and beard, which were gradually resuming their youthful glossiness and former dark colour. Several of my acquaintances, including Louva herself, mentioned the change; and Ilaclatella said that before very long I would not look like I did, but in all likelihood like a Neuroomian at fifty.

I have thought it just possible that, as I shall