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During the whole time he was with me he kept up a conversation by a series of disjointed phrases and broken sentences, and I subsequently learned that this was his only mode of speech.

Vandalia now entered the room with some food, of which I partook. She said that she was glad to learn from the doctor that I was mending, and hoped I would soon be able to rise. Saying this, she retired, and in a little time returned with a collection of various articles, including photographs^ drawings, pictures, fancy-work, and a few books. She wished me to examine the drawings, which she had executed herself; they represented rare scenery, birds, trees, and flowers, and were, indeed, splendidly done. As for the fancy-work, it was beautiful and intricate, and to me appeared to be the work of a genius.

I hereupon made inquiries about the occupations of women in Neuroomia. She said that, besides being housekeepers, etc., they were poets, writers, journalists, doctors, musicians, and actresses; that they also did outside work, as a certain amount of outdoor exercise was considered essential to good health; that many were experts at cultivating shrubs, plants, and flowers, and that those living near the sea and lakes could fish, row, and swim.