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named Estas and Arizenda, sisters of Banyaba?” I inquired.

“Yes! Have not seen them for a long time. Do not care much for them—too masculine.”

“Have you any idea if they will be at the President's Ball?” I further queried.

“Cannot say,” was the answer. “Think not. Do not mix much in society. Brother very popular, though.”

I was pleased at this last piece of intelligence, for I was not anxious to meet them again.

“They could not be taken as true samples of the Atazatlan young ladies,” I remarked.

“By no means,” he responded. “Too matter-of-fact. Early education and training partially neglected. Some good qualities, though. Will see you again,” and the doctor was gone.

I now got up, and had nearly finished dressing when Yeyema entered the room. He congratulated me on my recovery, and said I looked well. When I had finished dressing, he suggested that we should go to the balcony; and as it was on the same floor as my room, I reached it with little effort. Yeyema also took a seat there, and began to relate how they had found me after the accident.

It appears that he did not remain long with the