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My Dear Sir,

I return you, with many thanks, the manuscript which you had the kindness to put into my hands. I have carefully compared it with the original, and find it accurately and judiciously translated. Pray, do not delay sending it forth to the public; from its publication. I expect the greatest benefit to mankind. The New Christianity of St. Simon is one of the most important works by which the human mind has endeavoured to sow the seeds of Social Regeneration amongst the chaos and anarchical confusion of exclusive materialism. Like Socrates among the Sophists, St. Simon has appeared among the Sceptics and Atheists of his day, restoring that sublime and simple doctrine, to which we are indebted for our civilization, to its ancient purity, and causing it to become anew the moral spring of universal association. In France, where the pride of philosophy had heaped scorn upon the name of Christianity, the disciples of St. Simon were obliged to veil, under the name of their master, the Christian doctrine