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force of arms, then by the omnipotence of the divine morality. And it is at the Vatican that the Jesuits now devise the means of ruling the human race by an odious system of mysticism and fraud.

The Catholic, Apostolical, and Roman association is incontestably very powerful still, although it has considerably declined since the pontificate of Leo X., who was its founder; but the power which this association possesses is only a material power, and it is only by means of fraud that it can support itself. It lacks spiritual power, the power of morality, the Christian power, that which is given by frankness and loyalty. In short, the Catholic, Apostolical, and Roman religion, is nothing but a Christian heresy; it is only a portion of degenerated Christianity.

I say, that the Catholics are heretics, and I will prove it; I will prove that the regeneration of Christianity will annihilate the Inquisition; that it will deliver society from the Jesuits, as well as from their machiavelian doctrines.

True Christianity commands men to treat each other as brothers. Jesus Christ promised life eternal to those who contributed the most to the amelioration of the condition of the poorest class, as well in a moral as in a physical respect.

Thus the chiefs of the Christian church ought to be chosen from amongst men the most capable of directing those labours which have for their object the increase of the well-being of the greatest number. Thus the clergy ought to employ themselves chiefly in teaching to the faithful the conduct which they ought to pursue, to accelerate the well-being of the majority of the population.

Let us examine now, how the sacred college has been composed, since Leo X., the founder of the Catholic, Apostolical, and Roman church. Let us examine the qualifications that this college requires of those on whom it confers the priesthood; let us see what are the moral and physical ameliorations which the poorest class has experienced in the ecclesiastical