Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/25

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Theſe ordinary legiſlative Diets ſhall have their uninterrupted exiſtence, and be always ready to meet; renewable every two years. The length of ſeſſions ſhall be determined by the law concerning Diets. If convened out of ordinary ſeſſion upon ſome urgent occaſion, they ſhall only deliberate on the ſubject which occaſioned ſuch a call, or on circumſtances which may ariſe out of it.

No law or ſtatute enacted by ſuch ordinary Diet can be altered or annulled by the ſame.

The compliment of the Diet ſhall be compoſed of the number of perſons in both Houſes, to be determined hereafter.

The law concerning the dietines, or primary elections, as eſtabliſhed by the pre-
