Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/44

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During the King’s life, the King himſelf, with the Council, and a Tutor appointed by the States, ſhall ſuperintend the education of the Princes.

In time of a Regency, it ſhall be intruſted with this direction, jointly with the above-mentioned Tutor.

In both caſes this Tutor, named by the States, is to make his report before each ordinary Diet of the education and progreſs of the Princes. The Commiſſion, or Board of Education, is obliged to bring before the Diet, for the approbation, an inſtruction or plan for the education of the Princes, founded on religion, love of virtue, of country, of liberty, and the conſtitution.