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Regulations concerning the holocaust, and the appointed time for the peace-offering.

MISHNA: All are bound in the case of a holocaust[1] except a deaf man, a fool, a minor, and one of doubtful sex (ατμητος) and one of double sex (androginos), and women and bondsmen, the lame, the blind, the sick, the old, and he who is not able to go upon his feet. What is a minor? Every one who is unable to ride on his father's shoulders, and to go up from Jerusalem to the mountain of the Temple. So is the decree of the School of Shammai. But the School of Hillel say: Every one who is unable to take hold of his father's hand, and to go up from Jerusalem to the mountain of the Temple, as it is said [Ex. xxiii. 14], "Three times,"[2] etc. The School of Shammai say: The holocaust involves two silver coins (one-third of a gold dinar), and the feast-offering one meah (one-sixth of a dinar). But the School of Hillel say the contrary.

GEMARA: What is meant to be added by the word "all"? It means to add a man who is half a slave (he was a slave to two men, and one gave him liberty). But according to Rabhina, who says that such a man is absolved from holocaust, what did the Mishna mean to add? One who was lame on the first day, but on the second day he became well. This would be correct according to him who says that on every day of the succeeding six days the obligation of the holocaust exists, but according to those who say that all the six days are only a completion of the

  1. The Hebrew term is ראיה, which means "appearing" [vide Deut. xvi. 16], and because of the statement [ibid.], "And no one shall appear before the Lord empty," it is construed to mean the sacrifice; i.e., the holocaust.
  2. The Hebrew expression for "times" is "Regalim," the singular of which is "Regel," and means "a foot" also, hence the meaning "if the minor can go with his feet."