Page:New Peterson magazine 1859 Vol. XXXV.pdf/73

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Ws. give, this month, for our popular depert- ( twenty-five inches, on the side, measuring from

ment, “How to Make One's Own Dresses," eithe arm-hole down.

Neither can we give the

pattern for a fashionable winter cloak, just re whole of the back, but from D down it should oeived from Paris. The above engraving repre- g be thirty-three inches long, and from K down,

sents this graceful cloak when made up. On the E twenty-five inches. The shoulder piece and next page is a. diagram, by which to cut out the E hood are given entire. To cut out the sleeve cloak, as follows: §(the top of which is from E to A A) project No. 1. PART or FROM. 5 downward from A A and H till the lines meet. No. 2. Peer or BACK.


No. 3. Tue Snowman Pn-zcs.

g front to A and C of the shoulder piece.

In putting it together, join A and C of the

No. 4. PART or Snnvn. No. 6. Tax H001).

i and M of the back to A and M of the shoulder piece; and plait from M to B of the back L0 M

Join A

The front is so long that we cannot give the to B of the shoulder piece. To put in the sleeve, whole of it. It must be, as marked in the dia- i join E of the sleeve to E of the front, and A A 0! gram, thirty-seven inches long in front; and i the sleeve to A of the front.