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Decreed as seemes to me,

That as the tablet and the stone,

Both knitt together be

Even by a string, the tablet like 245

To her, to me the stone,

So shall our love whill Atrope cutt

The threed, be knitt in one.

Thus have I redd my dreme ye see

With wise Apollos aide, 250

And if this be the verrie trueth

That I herin have saide,

Then am I gladd of such a guesse,

Bot if I be deceav'd,

And in the opening of a dreame 255

Have ather dream'd or reav'd

Yett wellcume be a gladd deceate,

For as into my sleepe,

My dreame deceaved[1] me, so my guesse,

In gladnes doth me keepe. 260

Now may ye see o Titan mine,

No distance far of place,

Nor other thoughts can out of me

The thought of you deface,

In absence are ye present still 265

And ever so in sight,

No wonder is, what Monarch may

Resist a womans might.



As falcons are by nature faire of flight

Of kinde as sparhalks far excells in speede As marlions[3] have in springing greatest might

  1. Orig., ravish'd. Altered by James.
  2. Printed in Rait, with the supplied title, On Women.
  3. Rait, marirones; glossed, martens.