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In fields fullfild l with comes by sheavers bounde In heapes of golde, and ritches in all wayes As Job excelled all others might be founde Of Monarchs greate or Princes in his dayes So this translatour merites no less praise For gifts of sprite, then he for gifts of geare And God in grace hath given such counterpaise As his translation to the worke is peere

God did his gifts in him 2 so wiselie mell
Whose heavenlie wealth Jobs earthlie wealth doth tell.



That onlie essence who made all of noght

Our great and mightie Lord the life of all When he in ordour everie thing hade broght At the creating of this earthlie ball Then made he man at last. Thy raigne it shall Extend (quod Jehova) in everie cace Over all these breathing beasts that flatlie fall For humble hommage here before thy face He also pitch 'd cache Planet in his place And made them rulers of the ruling Lord As heavenlie impes to govern e bodies basse Be subtle and celestiall sweete accord Then greate is Ticho who by this his booke Commandement doth ouer these commanders brooke.



The glorious globe of heavenlie matter made Containing ten celestiall circles faire Where shining starres in glistring graithe arraide Most pleasantlie are poudered here and thair

Fol. 45 b, fulle filld.

Fol. 45 b, Irving, God did in him his gifts.