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1615 [16], the only one with details of this kind which the writer has found among the household accounts of James and Anne. Though it covers a period of less than a year, this gives a good idea of the character of the Queen's expenditures and the nature of her tastes. It is clear that she took especial pleasure in small charities, and her devotion to music is shown not only by the large yearly wages of the members of her French orchestra, but by daily gifts to strolling singers and musicians of every description. The following are the only items of literary significance:—

Baltassar Nardi, 1 Italian poett for so much paid and given unto him by warrant signed by her highnes dated at Greenwch the xxiiith of November 1615 . . . . xxx li.

Ellis Worth, one of her Mate plaiers for so much paid unto him in the behalfe of himselfe and the rest of his fellowes of that companie for one plaie acted before her Matie Queenes Court the xvii th of December 1615. By warrant . . . viith of Januarie, 1615 2 x li.

John Heminge one of the Kinge Ma te plaiers for as much paid unto him in the behalfe of himselfe and the rest of his fellowes of that companie for one plaie acted before her Matie at Queenes Court on St Thomas daye at night being the xxith of December 1615. By warrant . . . xxii th of Januarie 1615 [16] ........ ; . ... x li.

John Florio 3 one of the groomes of the Privie Chamber to her Ma tie for so much paid unto him and allowed for money by him disbursed for diverse necessaries for her Ma tie [Nov. i, 1614 Nov. i, 1615, in all] . . . . vii li. v s.

Nardi was a theologian as well as poet, and author of a defense of Roman supremacy, Expunctiones locorum falsorum de papatu romano, Paris, 1616, in refutation of the writings of Marcantonio de Dominis, Bishop of Spalato (Tiraboschi, Storia detta Letteratura Italiana, 1780, p. 79). The latter was also in England, and was rewarded for his desertion of the Roman church by the Deanery of Windsor (Docquets, June, 1619) and the Mastership of the Savoy. The patronage extended to the two writers illustrates the divergence between the Queen and King in matters of religion.

Neither this nor the following performance is recorded in the lists of Fleay or Murray (English Dramatic Companies).

After the Queen's death Florio was granted a pension of £100 (Cal. S. P. Dom. January 21, 1620).