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your hand; vade, now see.” When they have looked, then they will think it is changed by virtue of your stone. Then take the horn again; and seem to cast it from you, retaining it, and say, ‘Vade!’ and anon say, ‘you have, your money again.’ He then will begin to marvel, and say, “I have not;" say then to him again, you have, and I am sure you have it; Is it not in your hand? If it be not there, turn down one of your sleeves, for it is in one I am sure; where he finding it, will not a little wonder.

Mysterious Bottle.

Pierce a few holes, with a glazier’s diamond, in a common black bottle; place it in a vase or a jug of water, so that the neck only is above the surface. Then, with a funnel, fill the bottle, and cork it well, while it is in the jug or vase. Take it out, and notwithstanding the holes in the bottom, it will not leak; wipe it dry, and give it to some person to uncork. The moment the cork is drawn to the party’s astonishment, the water will begin to run out of the bottom of the bottle.

Money Box.

A piece of money, or a ring, is put into a box, in the presence of a person who holds it; the operator stands at a distance, and bids him shake the box gently, and the piece is heard to rattle inside; he is desired again to shake it, and then it