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will be surprised how you could find them out when you hold them behind you.

How to lift a bottle with a Straw.

Take a straw, and having bent the thicker end of it in a sharp angle, put this curved end into the bottle, so that the bent part may rest against its side; you may then take the other end and lift up the bottle by it, without breaking the straw, and this will be the more readily accomplished as the angular part of the straw approaches nearer to that which comes out of the bottle. It is necessary, in order to succeed in this feat, to be particularly careful in choosing a stout straw, which is neither broken nor bruised; if it have been previously bent or damaged, it is unfit for the purpose of performing this trick, as it will be too weak in the part so bent, or damaged, to support the bottle.

The Golden Head, which, leaping and dancing in a Glass, answers different Questions.

To show that this head is not connected with any other object, you put some crown pieces at the bottom of a glass, and a covering over all, this however does not prevent the head, which you affirm to be of solid gold, from dancing in the glass to answer by numbers, and yes or no, to questions proposed to it; at the same time, a bunch of rings, to another glass, at a little dis-