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spectators, it remaining always at the same distance from the point to which it is fastened.

Dancing Egg.

Boil an egg hard, and peel of a small piece of the shell at one end; then thrust in a quill filled with quicksilver, and sealed at each end. As long as the egg remains warm, it will not cease to dance about.

The Fascinated Bird.

Take any bird, and lay it on a table; then wave a small feather over its eyes, and it will appear as dead, but taking the feather away, it will revive again. Let it lay hold of the stem part if the feather, and it will twist and turn like a parrot; you may likewise roll it about, on the table just as you please.

Enchanted Cock.

Bring a cock into a room, with both your hands close to his wings, and hold them tight; put him on a table, and point his beak down as straight as possible; then let any one draw a line, with a piece of chalk, directly from its beak, and all the noise you can possibly make will you disturb him, for some time, from the seeming lethargy, which thet position you have laid him in has effected.

To Make a Sixpence leap out of a Pot.

This is done by means of a long horse-hair, fastened to the rim of a sixpence, by a small hole