Page:New land mollusks from Madagascar and Mexico.djvu/8

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Measurements: Height, 6.19 mm.; width, 2.31 mm.; height of aperture, 1.58 mm.; width of aperture, 1.3 mm.

Type.—Chicago Natural History Museum No. 106701. Collected in Chutes de la Mort, Madagascar, by E. S. Ross, November 10, 1959.

Remarks.—The affinities of this new form in the super-family of Cyclophoracea are still obscure; despite some similarities with the Cochlostominae, a close relation with the Diplommatinae seems more probable.

Malarinia hova
Malarinia hova
Fig. 10. Malarinia hova, new gen.
and sp. CNHM No. 106701, front
view; about × 5.

Bulimulus (Rhabdotus) fonsecanus, new species. Figure 11, a, b.

Diagnosis.—A medium-sized, rather thin shell, pinkish white, smooth, elongate ovate, covered rimate, with the aperture provided with a thin, reflected lip.

Description of type.—Shell of medium size, elongate conic, rather thin, pinkish white, with no traces of sculpture but for slight incremental lines. Seven whorls, of which the three first ones grew slowly and regularly, the last ones more rapidly; the last descends slightly toward the aperture. The obesity of the whorls increases toward the aperture; the suture is simple. The apical whorls appear smooth, most probably due to wear. Aperture elongate elliptical, about 4/9 of the height of the shell; the lip is reflected and forms a rather wide, white peristome, which covers the deeply rimate umbilical region; the ends are hardly converging, but are united by a rather thick, white callus.

Measurements: Height, 27.5 mm.; width, 15.0 mm.; height of aperture, 13.5 mm.; width of aperture, 9.5 mm.

Type.—Chicago Natural History Museum No. 106702. Collected on the Gulf of Fonseca, San Salvador or Nicaragua. Collector unknown; received from the California Academy of Natural Sciences in San Francisco.