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There Sawney, Jock, and Janetie
Are up and gotten lair;
They'll help to gar the boatie row,
And lighten a' our care.
The boatie rows, the boatie rows,
The boatie rows fu' weel,
And lightsome be her heart that bears
The murlain and the creel.

And when wi' age we're worn down,
And hirpling round the door,
They'll help to keep us dry and warm,
As we did them before;
Then weel may the boatie row,
She wins the bairns' bread;
And happy be the lot o' a',
That wish the boatie speed.


Begone, dull care! I prithee begone from me;
Begone, dull care! thou and I can never agree.
Long time hast thou been tarrying here,
And fain thou wouldst me kill;
But i' faith! dull care,
Thou never shalt have thy will.

Too much care will make a young man grey;
And too much care will turn an old man to clay,
My wife shall dance, and I will sing,
So merrily pass the day;
For I hold it one of the wisest things.
To drive dull care away.