Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/67

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1. The cool air which is inspired ought, if possible, to be free, and constantly renewed.

2. The drink should be cool, and pleasant to the taste. Cool, for the same reasons with the air; pleasant, to present the sickness and reachings so common in this disorder.

3. The palate of the patent may in general be trusted to for the quantity and quality of the food. The call of nature is a truer and safer guide than any directions. If the patient loaths his food, it is a sign he does not want it; if, on the other hand, his appetite should be but a false craving, he will soon be satisfied.

4. The cloathing and bed-covering ought to be the same as in health.

5. The patient must not be allowed to lie in bed except at the hours of sleep.

These directions, which ought to be observed from the beginning of the fever to the end of the eruption, are dictated by nature, and confirmed by experience.

What does nature call for, by that inward heat, thirst, anxiety, retching, heaviness, lowness of spirits, uneasiness, which attend the first period? What; but free and open air, cool and pleasant liquors, entertaining objects, &c.?

Does not experience confirm the same thing? What set of men come off best in the small-

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