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being the true Art of Courtship.

Posies for Rings, &c.

AS I expect, so let me find,
A faithful heart, a constant mind.


My faith is giv’n, this pledge doth show,
A work of Heaven perform'd below.


Such like I in my choice do find,
That nought but death can change my mind.

On a Pair of Gloves presented.

FAirest, to thee I send these Gloves,
If you love me,
Leave out the G,
And make a pair of Loves.

On the Word WIFE.

THE W is a double wealth,
The I an everlasting joy:
The F a friend unto man’s health,
T The E doth end all annoy.


THE W is a double woe,
The I nought else but jealousy:
The F a flyting flattering foe,
The E an earthly enemy.

A Song for the Wedding Night.

NOw is that welcome night,
When love and beauty make a feast;
Let not the Bridegroom be afraid,
Though he encounter with a maid:
She’ll squeak, she'll cry,
She’ll faint, she’ll die: