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being the true Art of Courtship.

Nature may change her beauteous face,
And vary as the seasons rise:
As Winter to the Spring gives place,
Summer th’ approach of Autumn flies:
No change in love the seasons bring,
Love only knows perpetual spring.

Devouring time, with stealing pace,
Makes lofty oaks and cedars bow,
And marble towers and walls of brass,
In his rude march he levels low:
But time, destroying far and wide,
Love from the soul cannot divide.

Death only with his cruel dart,
The gentle godhead can remove,
And driving from the bleeding heart,
To mingle with the blest above:
Where known to all his kindred train,
Love finds a lasting peace for pain.

Love, and her sister, the foul,
Twin-horn together came,
Love will the universe controul,
When dying seasons lose the name,
Divine abode shall lose his power,
When time and death shall be no more.


MY Jockey is the blythest lad,
that e’er young maid did woo:
When he appears my heart is glad,
for he is kind and true:
He talks of love whene’er we meet,
his words in rapture flow: