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The New School of Love;

Thus I’ll never cease but spend my days,
to hear news from my darling swain.

There nothing strange in nature’s change,
since parents show such cruelty:
They caus’d my love from me to range,
and know not to what destiny:
The pretty kids and tender lambs,
may cease to sport upon the plain:
But I’ll mourn and lament in deep discontent,
for the absence of my darling swain.

Kind Neptune, let me thee intreat,
To send a fair and pleasant gale;
Ye Dolphins sweet, upon me wait,
for to convey me on your tail:
Heavens bless my voyage with success,
while crossing o’er the raging main;
And send me safe to that distant shore,
to meet my darling lovely swain.

All mirth and joy at our return,
shall then abound from Tweed to Tay:
The bells shall ring, and sweet birds sing,
to grace and crown our nuptial day:
Thus bless’d with charms in my love’s arms,
my heart once more I will regain:
Then i’ll range no more to a distant shore,
but will enjoy my darling swain.


SYLVIA, Sylvia, Sylvia, one day,
She dress’d herself in man’s array,
With a brace of pistols by her side,
To meet her true love, to meet her true love
away did ride.