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being the true Art of Courtship.

shall be very rich by the death of a relation.

A Mole, on the right knee, promises success in love, and many marriages.

A Mole, on the left knee, crosses and disappointments in love.

A Discourseon Dreams with their Interpretations.

To dream you see white hens upon a dunghill, shews disgrace by a false accusation.

To deam one is in a pleasant meadow, signifies the possession of riches and pleasure.

To dream one fights and overcomes, is to have the advantage in law-suits, or otherwise.

To dream that two lovers meet, and have not power to speak to each other, shews that the match will be broken off.

Todream of embraces,denotes sudden marriage.

To dream of fine clothing, and that they turn to rags upon your back, shews poverty.

To dream one is with child, and does not know the father, shews marriage to a stranger.

To dream a ring drops off one’s finger, shews crosses in love.

To dream one has a garland of flowers presented, shews they will have the person desired.

To dream of fire, denotes anger.

To dream you fly, signifies hasty news of strange things.

Todream one puts a gold ring upon your finger, signifies speedy marriage; but if it seem to break or fall off, there will be disappointment in it.

To dream you see a flock of birds that sing and chirp merrily, promises good news; and that you will soon grow rich.