Page:New song, called The unco bit want, with the anwer.pdf/5

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By young Andrew it's now I'm embrac d,
an' weel he ſupplies my bit want.

We'll kiss, an' cuddle, an' a',
cuddle, an' kiss, anla';
It's now we're firm buckled the gither,
ſhare joys the largeſt o'



Advice to Maddison.

Ye Soldiers and ye Sailors,
Come liften to my Song
And all you valant heroes,
That to Britain do belong:
No more we'll croſs the ocean,
Where thund'ring cannons roar,
But live at home contented,
All on our native ſhore.


Come let us join and sing, lads,
Come let us join and sing,
Since peace is with America,
We'll make the glasses ring:

The bold Emperor of Russia,
Alexander is by name,
He did write to Maddiſon,

To let him know his fame: