Page:New song, to the tune of Cauld kail in Aberdeen.pdf/6

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The vernal sun will gild the sky,
But joy will ne'er return.
Then fare ye weel, etc.

In vain will spring her gowans spread
Owre the green swairded lea;
The rose beneath the hawthorn shade
Will bloom in vain to me;
In vain will spring bedeck the bow'rs
Wi' buds and blossoms braw,
The gloomy storm already low'rs
That drives me far awa.
Then fare ye weel, etc.

O winter spare the peacefu' scene
Where early joys I knew;
Still be its fields unfading green,
Its sky unclouded blue.
Ye lads and lasses, when sae blythe
The social crack ye ca,
O spare the tribute of a sigh
For me, when far awa.
Then fare ye weel, etc.


Come alang wi' me my love,
O come alang wi' me:
The low'ring clouds are vanish'd love,