Page:New winter evening's companion, of fun, mirth, and frolic.pdf/22

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                           On Cruelty to Brute Animals.
                   A man of kindness to his beast is kind;
                   But brutal actions show a brutal mind:
                   Remember, he who made thee, made the brute:
                   Who gave thee speech & reason, form'd him mute.
                   He can't complain; but God's all-seeing eye
                   Beholds thy cruelty--He hears his cry.
                   He was design'd thy servant and thy drudge;
                   But know, that his Creator is--thy judge!
                                 A curious Hand-bill.
                              THOMAS TOUCHWOOD, GENT.
 Proposes on the last day of this present November, to shoot himself by subscription. His life being of no further use to himself or his friend, he takes this method of endeavouring to turn his death to some account, and the novelty of the performance, he hopes, will merit the attention and patronage of the public.
 He will perform with two pistols, the first shot to be directed through the Abdomen, to which will be added another through the Brain; the whole to conclude with staggering, convulsions, grinning, &c. in a manner never before publicly attempted.
 The doors to be opened at eight, and the exhibition to begin precisely at nine. Particular places, for that night only, reserved for the adults. No money to be returned, or half price taken
 N. B. Beware of counterfeits and imposters. The person who advertises to hang himself the same night in opposition to Mr. Touchwood, a taylor, who intends only to give the representation of death by dancing in a collar; an attempt to