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Ill. 189. Tying Threads breadths form the inner fold of a plait. In that case the binding will continue down the raw edges of that seam to the bottom of the skirt.

In cases where the plaits are not stitched the entire length, the thread-ends on the under side must be securely tied, as shown in Illustration 189.

Gored skirts that have a side plait or an inverted box plait let into the seams some distance up from the bottom, are sometimes troublesome because of a tendency of these plaits to show below the bottom edge of the skirt since there is nothing to which they may be attached. This trouble may be avoided in the manner shown in Illustration 190.

The seam edge and the edge of each of these plaits are bound, and after the skirt is finished a tape or strap of lining is sewed to the top of each plait and is carried from one to the other all around the skirt. (Ill. 190.) The tape will generally be found sufficient stay, but in a woolen skirt of heavy cloth an additional tape or strap may run diagonally from the top of each plait to the next seam and be securely sewed there to the wrong side of the skirt. This stay also is in Illustration 190.

Ill. 190. Supporting Inlaid Plaits