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Ill. 346. Finishing the Edges of Fur with Braid or Seam Binding way you will conceal any sign of the joining.

After the joining is made you will find on the wrong side a ridge-like seam. This seam should be dampened and the fur should be stretched out smoothly on a flat board and tacked to it.

The fur should be left on the board until it is thoroughly dry which generally takes about twenty-four hours. In the short haired furs the hair side of the pelt can be laid next to the board, but in heavier furs the pelt is laid face down.

SEWING ON FUR—In most cases the edges of fur must be finished with braid or seam binding the color of the fur. Overhand the edge of the braid or seam binding to the edge of the fur (Ill. 346), turn it over the edge of the fur and cat-stitch it to the pelt as illustrated. (Ill. 346.) Sew it on to the garment through the braid or seam binding using a slip stitch.

This is the best way to handle most furs. In the case of a fur in which the pelt is not the same color as the fur itself as in undyed furs, the binding is absolutely necessary.

When the pelt is the same color as the fur, as in dyed furs or in white furs and the hair is long enough to cover the edge of the pelt nicely, this braid or seam binding may be omitted and the sewing done right through the pelt. In this case sew the edge of the pelt to the material with a hemming stitch. This is of course a simpler method and it is the best method to use in sewing fur to transparent materials for the binding or braid adds to the weight of the fur.