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Ill. 117. Flannel Skirt in Princess Style,
Closing on the Shoulders

with on the front and lower edges of shirts. In some cases the flannel is turned only once and a loose buttonhole or crochet-stitch in soft Saxony wool or silk floss is made over the edge. This finish is shown in Ill. 116.

DIAPERS—There are three kinds of diapers—bird's-eye linen, cotton diaper cloth and stockinet. They are twice as long as they are wide and are finished with narrow hems at each end. You will need three pieces of the diaper cloth, eighteen, twenty and twenty-four inches wide. If you like, you can buy the diapers ready made, sterilized and ready to use.

Ill. 118. Hemmed Placket

PETTICOATS—An infants' petticoat is finished according to the material of which it is made. The princess petticoat is the best style for this baby, for it is the easiest to put on, the weight hangs from the shoulders, it keeps the body an even warmth and it is loose at the waistline. (Ill. 117.) Some women prefer a petticoat gathered to a band or body, but the princess style is safer and is used at the best baby hospitals.

FLANNEL PETTICOATS should be made of fine flannel. The seams should be stitched and finished as shown in Illustrations 138 or 139 on page 83. The underarm seams are finished in the regulation manner with catch-stitching or feather-stitching.

The bottom of the skirt may lie embroidered, scalloped or trimmed with feather-stitching, or the hem can be finished as shown in Illustrations 173 and 174 on page 92.

The princess petticoat is fastened on one or both shoulders by ribbons or buttonholes. The neck and armhole edges may be bound with ribbon or tape or finished with a scalloped edge worked in white embroidery silk. (Ill. 117.) If the petticoat is to be embroidered don't cut out the neck and armhole but mark the outline of the pattern with a colored Ill. 119. Petticoat Joined to Single Body Ill. 120. Petticoat Joined to Double Body