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BLANKETS, AFGHANS, ETC.—The blanket should be 4.5 inches long and the width of the material. The handsomest blankets are made of double-faced eider-down, the edges bound with wide satin ribbon with the sewing line covered with French knots or feather-stitching. Blankets and afghans are always white, pink or blue, or white with pink or blue, or pink and blue together. The knitted afghans are made of wool. Two thicknesses of Shetland wool in pink or blue, or white with pink or blue, put together with a satin ribbon binding makes a dainty afghan for Summer. There are always new and charming ideas in afghans and the best ones with directions for making them will be found in Needle- Art. A very nice blanket can be made with two thicknesses of cheese-cloth with one thickness of cotton wadding between them. The edges are bound together with ribbon or scalloping and the three thicknesses are caught together with satin bows or knots of baby ribbon.

The baby will need little jackets, wrappers, sacks and bootees. You will find an excellent collection of them in the Butterick catalogue and publications and very exquisite French designs for embroidering them are given in Needle-Art. These things, however, should be left toward the last, for you are very apt to receive them as presents. They make interesting work for the last few weeks when you are more or less confined to the house and do not feel like doing other things.