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He twice a Man; She twice a Maid: 'Tis brave;
She had one Life to Loose, and one Save.
Or else it was our Logick Dy'd, not she:
For from Privation a Regresse we see.
Let's non admire then Bacon's Brazen Head,
When we see one that speaks, and yet was Dead.
You that so much for new Inventions give,
Observe a way, found out, by Death to Live.
Catts have for every Muse a life: but Shee
For every Grace; For by this Historie
The Author doth a Third Life to her Give,
And makes her Innocence and Fame to Live.
Her Life is writt here to the life: she fell
At a cheap rate, when 'tis describ'd so well.
For, th'Author's Pen's so good, that one would Die
To be Reviv'd by such a History.

Rich. Glyd, Fell. of New Coll.

THat Life's a Vapour I'le no more complaine:
As this, so that, takes leave to come againe.
Strange metamorphosis! this dead-live Woman
Now differs from her selfe; and are such Common?

Geo. Davenant, Com of Qu. Coll.

TErnas sicne Deas, & tales decipis una?
Et vel Carnificem fæmina spreta tuum?
Illius eludas artes elapsa; sed audi,
Victricem dici te semel, esto satis.

H. Davenant, Com. Coll. Reg.

FOr certaine, she was dead! yet then
The reason how she lives agen,
Is that which so much puzles men.

Sure when her soule this clay forsook,
To'wards Pluto's court her way she took,
And came unto th'infernall brook.