Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/101

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eyes, a big white throat, and for all the world looks just the same as millions of his brothers who occupy thrones on lily pads in some muddy creek. According to Prof. Jacques Loeb of the Rockefeller Institute of Research, however, this particular Mr. Frog, on exhibition before the Congress of Hygiene and Demography here, was hatched from the egg of a female by chemical process.

While visitors are greatly interested in this orphan frog, learned professors are busy challenging his chemical parentage.

Professor Loeb says that his fatherless frog is the culmination of years of effort and that with but little more study he will be able to produce other forms of life resulting from his study of parthenogenesis.

In the less conventional types of leads, various beginnings are used, often to excellent advantage, for novelty and variety. The two examples given below show some marked departures from the usual kinds of beginnings.



By this sign displayed to-day in an optical shop in Fifth Avenue, a dealer in binoculars, who is weary of explaining that he is not responsible for unsatisfactory views of Halley's comet, hopes to make plain his position to customers that desire to return their purchases.


WANTED—Young woman as governess for ten year old child, to travel through Europe this summer. Give references, age, and experience. Address E 740, Times Office.