Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/109

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The young woman in reply to the advertisement again offered her services as secretary, giving a fictitious name but her real telephone number. The advertiser failed to call for his mail for nearly a week, and the detectives abandoned their watch. Then on Wednesday Howell called at the Sun office where he found twenty letters, including the one from Miss Bunde.

Unfortunately for the swindler, the first letter that he opened was evidently Miss Bunde's, for he called her up Wednesday afternoon and made an appointment at the Hixon Hotel for last evening.

She at once notified the police and Detective Sullivan was detailed to accompany her to the hotel. When Howell appeared and recognized Miss Bunde as his Denver victim, he endeavored to leave but was arrested by Sullivan.

At the police station he gave his address as Yukon, Alaska. In his pockets were found letters from several Kansas City women who had replied to his advertisements in that city, and the police believe that he is wanted in other places on similar charges.


1. Write legibly; use a typewriter whenever possible.

2. Double or triple space your typewritten or longhand copy.

3. Never write on both sides of the sheet.

4. Make your meaning absolutely clear to the rapid reader.

5. Be concise; don't use needless words.

6. Use superlatives sparingly.

7. Find the one noun to express the idea, the one adjective, if necessary, to qualify it, and the one verb needed to give it life.

8. Get life and action into your story whenever circumstances warrant.