Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/120

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Candles on a Christmas tree set fire to lace curtains in the home of Robert Whitcomb, 1716 Charter Street, last night, and before the blaze was extinguished $500 damage had been done to the house and furnishings.


The breaking of an incandescent light set fire to a can of gasoline in the garage of the Wheeler Automobile Company, 731 Winter Place, early this morning, and two taxi-cabs were badly scorched.

Damage and Danger


Over a million dollars' worth of property was consumed on South Point within two hours yesterday afternoon when fire destroyed Elevator D of the Consolidated Elevator Company, and the docks and sheds of the Western Pacific Railroad Company.


Nearly 3,000,000 feet of lumber were burned at Mystic Wharf early this morning with a loss of $120,000 to the Export Lumber Company and the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company.


About $2,000,000 worth of property was threatened by fire in the manufacturing district along the Ohio river front last night when the plant of the Rockton Woodworking Company was completely destroyed with a loss of $125,000.

Lives Lost or Endangered


Nearly 300 frightened girls ran down stairways, jammed themselves into elevators, or jumped to roofs of adjoining buildings this noon when fire did $20,000 damage to the twelve story building at 652 Bleecker Street.