Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/147

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That the present one cent a pound postage rate on newspapers and magazines should be doubled; that the actual cost of handling such second class matter is 5-1/2 cents a pound; and that the proposal to charge a higher rate on the advertising sections of magazines is not feasible, is the substance of the report of the commission on second class mail matter submitted to Congress by President Taft today.


That the initiative is the most effective means of giving the people absolute control over their government; that the initiative and referendum do not overthrow representative government but fulfill it; and that truly representative government must represent not misrepresent the people, was the declaration of William J. Bryan in an address before the Ohio Constitutional Convention today.

The keynote beginning gives the dominant idea that runs through the whole utterance, thus:


The establishment of an expert tariff commission by Congress as the best solution of the tariff problem was urged by Senator Albert J. Beveridge in a speech in the senate this afternoon.


How every country in Europe has suffered from the increase in the cost of living is shown in a report submitted by President Taft in a special message to Congress last night.

When the subject is stated in a particularly novel or interesting form it may be the best feature of the story and should accordingly be in the lead. For example: