Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/160

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the new administration intends to do with the tariff, and how drastic and how precipitately the question is attacked. If the new congress proceeds cautiously and gradually there is no doubt that business will finally adjust itself to any changes without serious disturbance."

B. F. Yoakum, chairman of the board of the 'Frisco Lines, said:

"I am very much pleased with the election of Wilson. From my personal acquaintance with him I am confident he will carry out all the policies he has promised during the campaign. I am sure he is earnestly in favor of everything he advocated, and is entirely competent.

"The Democratic victory does not by any means settle all the big economic questions of the day. In meeting these the Democratic party is on probation. The entire country looks to it for results during the next four years."

Francis L. Hine, president of the First National Bank, declared that the election of Mr. Wilson presented no immediate possibility of danger for the country, and as regards the future "one can only wait and see."

News Stories of Trials. In trials in court the reporter has to deal with material not unlike that in speeches, reports, or interviews. The arguments by the attorneys are in the nature of addresses. The questioning of the witnesses on direct and cross examination is not unlike the question and answer method of interviewing. The decisions handed down by the judges are the reports which those officials make. In general, then, many of the same points that have been considered in regard to addresses, reports, and interviews may be applied to court reports.

Writing the Lead. What the lead of the trial story