Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/162

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That the government was a year too late in bringing its suit against the Standard Oil Company for accepting secret rebates, and the suit in which Judge K. M. Landis imposed the $29,000,000 fine, was brought out yesterday in the government suit for the dissolution of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey under the Sherman Anti-trust Law, before Special Examiner Franklin Ferris in the Custom House.


Fraudulent scales were used to weigh raw sugar on the Brooklyn piers of the Sugar Trust, according to the testimony of Special Agent Richard Parr of the United States Treasury Department, this morning in the preliminary hearing of the government's suits against the American Sugar Refining Company before Commissioner Shields in the Federal Building.


How suddenly and how radically a woman can exercise her inalienable right to change her mind was shown yesterday before Judge Thomas in the probate court, when in the hearing on the contested will of Mrs. Jane L. Whiting it was shown that she had made one will at 3 o'clock on July 4 last, and another at 7 o'clock in the evening of the same day.


"Go home and serve time with your families," was the sentence imposed on two men charged with being drunk and disorderly, by Judge Wilkinson in the police court this morning.