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The engagement is announced of Miss Ida Wellington Winter of St. Paul, to Milton Gilman Wells, son of Col. John Ottway Wells, U. S. A., Military Attaché in Panama, and nephew of Mayor Stephen S. Wells, Military Attaché to the American Embassy in Paris. The announcement was made by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Stanford of St. Paul, aunt and uncle of Miss Winter, at whose home at Leonard Place the wedding will take place some time next month. Mr. Wells was graduated from Princeton in 1906, and is in business in this city. He lives at the Princeton Club, 121 East Twenty-first Street.



Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hayes of Winton, N. Y., announce the marriage of their daughter Helen to Eugene Payson Drown, formerly of Chicago. The wedding took place Wednesday in Brookville, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Drown will reside in Brookville.


The marriage of Miss Rose Eldred White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White of 230 Wilmington Avenue, to Nathaniel Robert Owen, will take place Monday evening, Dec. 9, at the Hotel Sherman in the presence of the immediate families.


The marriage of Miss Ruth Oswick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pemberton Hines Oswick of 511 North Highland avenue, Pembroke Park, to Franklin Isquith, was celebrated last night at 9 o'clock at the First Congregational Church of Pembroke Park, Dr. John Howard Grosvenor performing the ceremony. Mrs. Holton, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Miss Ina Isquith,