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Mr. and Mrs. Donald White McNabey, Markham Place, will give a reception on Thursday from 5 to 7, in honor of their daughter, Miss Dorothy McNabey, who will be presented to society. Following the reception, the young people in the assisting party will be entertained at a supper and informal dance.

Club News


The civics and philanthropy class of the Highland Park Culture Club will hold its first meeting of the year this morning at 10 o'clock at the Hotel Van Buren. Mrs. Arthur G. Antwick is chairman.


An ornamental public drinking fountain of marble and granite, bearing arc electric lights at its top, will be erected by the Woman's Outdoor League and placed in some prominent public place, according to plans arranged at a meeting of the league in the Hamilton Hotel yesterday afternoon. "The league has erected and placed six small public drinking fountains in congested districts of the city," said Mrs. Franklin Renton, president of the league, "and we will now erect a fountain that will be a credit to the outdoor work of our organization and a beauty spot for the city. As soon as we have determined upon the site where the fountain will be placed we will arrange for proper public ceremonies dedicating it to the city." During the last year the league has erected a bungalow in the Zoölogical Gardens besides supervising other outdoor work. Officers chosen for 1913 were:

 President—Mrs. Dean C. White.
 First vice-president—Mrs. Albert D.
