Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/223

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  • urday night, Joseph Dant, Charles

Herrig, and Oscar Kellin, each 19 years old, were fined $10 and costs in District Court on Monday.


First Story in Evening Paper.

Amelia Minkle, 19, 656 Second St., was run down and injured by an automobile driven by Mrs. H. M. Greene, 931 Hillside Ave., at 7 o'clock this morning at Eleventh and National Avenues. The girl was on her way to work. She alighted from a car and started to cross the street when the automobile turning the corner struck her and knocked her to the pavement. Mrs. Greene stopped her machine and called the police ambulance. The girl was removed to the Emergency Hospital. Although painful, her injuries are not serious.


Rewritten Story and Head in Next Morning's Paper.

GIRL HURT BY AUTO—While crossing Eleventh Avenue on her way to work Monday morning, Amelia Minkle, 19, 656 Second street, was knocked down and slightly injured by an automobile owned and driven by Mrs. H. M. Greene, 931 Hillside Avenue.


1. Read all the local papers every day before beginning your work.

2. Remember that few first stories exhaust all the news possibilities.

3. Follow up every story as long as indications point to new and interesting developments.

4. Look for ulterior causes and motives as new phases.