Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/278

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two receiving possibly fatal injuries. While the ship was cruising a short distance off the capes which form the entrance to Hampton Roads, a part of the boiler burst, filling the engine room with scalding water and steam. Captain Hughes immediately sent a wireless message to the hospital ship Solace and the wounded men were transferred at sea to that vessel, which brought them to the Norfolk hospital to-day.

The injured men are:

R. M. Wagner, fireman second class.
M. C. Horan, coal passer.
J. R. Newberry, fireman first class.
M. T. Green, fireman first class.
C. A. Hoteling, coal passer.
P. W. Cramer, coal passer.




The accident occurred while the Vermont was anchored off the southern battlefield drill grounds, where the annual fall target practice began today. The head of the boiler burst and a torrent of boiling water and steam poured out over the firemen and coal passers. Wagner and Haran (correct) who were nearest the boiler head, were the most seriously injured, both being scalded from head to foot. The hospital ship Solace asked that the navy hospital here make ready for the injured men and said that she expected to reach Norfolk this afternoon. It was reported, but without confirmation, that Haran had died of his injuries.




Norfolk, Va., Nov. 2.—Two men are dead and four others this afternoon lie swathed in bandages suffering terribly from scalds, as a result of a boiler explosion on the battleship Vermont early today. R. M. Wagner, a fireman, first class, and M. C. Haran, a coal passer, are the dead.

The hospital ship Solace brought the dead and wounded