Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/293

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Promoters of International Av-
  iation Tournament Decide
      to Use Race Track.

Hanging Indention. The hanging indention head consists of several parts, the first of which begins at the column rule on the left, while all the others are indented the width of one or two letters.

Immense Wealth is Stored Up
  in Vaults of Country's Repos-
  itories for Coin, Bullion, and
  Other Precious Metals.

The drop-line, cross-line, or pyramid may be used in any deck, whereas the hanging indention head is used only for a deck other than the first.

Combinations of Forms. Various combinations of these four forms may be used to give the variety required for all kinds of stories. For large heads a combination of a two part drop-line, a three part pyramid, a cross-line or another drop-line, and a second pyramid, constitutes a frequent form, as is seen in the following example:

Railroad Men's Union Orders
  Work Resumed on All Tied
      Up Lines To-day.
Attempts to Blow Up Passenger
  Trains and Bridges Arouse
      Public and Police.