Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/295

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Baldwin Machine Stays Aloft Two Hours
  and is Accepted by Signal Corps as
    the Most Proficient Of All.


Act Providing for Benefits in Case of
    Death or Injury Is Declared
        to Be Constitutional.

Practically every symmetrical arrangement of the four forms of heads can be found in various newspapers, but the principles underlying the writing of any of the combinations are the same.

Type Limits of Heads. The typographical limitations are the most important considerations governing the writing of headlines. These limitations are determined by the size of type and the form of each deck of the head. The possible variation in the parts of the first deck is not more than a letter or two from the normal form. So small is the variation possible within the column width that the size of the letters used has to be considered. Thus the letters "M" and "W" are one and one-half times the size of all the other letters except "I," which is only one-half as large as the others. In the counting of unit letters in a headline, the writer must consider "M" and "W" as one and one-half units each, and the letter "I" and the figure "1" as half a unit each. Each space between words is counted as one unit. Since the form and symmetry of a head are