Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/322

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12. Don't try to crowd in more units than the space will permit.

13. Don't fill out a short line with weak words.

14. Make clear the relation of the statement of each deck to that in the preceding deck.

15. Use only such abbreviations as are commonly to be found in heads.

16. Omit articles and unnecessary auxiliary verbs whenever it is possible.

17. Punctuate only when clearness requires it.

18. Use figures when they are the significant facts.

19. Avoid repetition of words other than connectives.

20. Use the present tense of the verb for past events and the infinitive or future tense for coming ones.

21. Keep the tenses uniform throughout the head.

22. Avoid libelous statements.


Criticize the following heads and rewrite each, retaining as far as possible the ideas and point of view of the original:


Woman Patient Is Injured in
 Collision Fifteen Minutes
     After Release