Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/332

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linotypes are used, every change makes necessary the recasting of one whole line at least, while when monotypes are used, each piece of type must be handled separately. Accordingly, when one or more words have been inadvertently omitted and must be inserted, effort is made to cut out other words of about the same length and not absolutely necessary in the same line, in the preceding line, or in the following one, so that not more than one or two lines will have to be recast or reset to make room for the added words. Likewise, when one or more words must be taken out, others should be inserted in the same line or adjoining lines to fill up the space.

As in the editing of copy, so in the correcting of proof, the changes should be indicated in a manner that makes unmistakable to the compositor the exact character of the modifications. Confused correction of proof, like poor editing of copy, causes loss of time and increases the probability of error.

Errors in proof are most readily detected if a card is used to cover all lines except the one that is being corrected. The card is moved down from line to line as each is read and corrected. By having but one line before him at a time and by scrutinizing sharply every word, the reader more readily catches any errors.

Marks used in Correcting Proof. The proof-reading signs and marks, grouped according to their use, are as follows: Paragraphing

| Begin a new paragraph.

No ¶ Don't begin a new paragraph.

Run in Make one element follow the other in the same