Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/335

This page needs to be proofread.

. . . . A line of dots is placed under the element that is to remain as it is.


Qu. ? Look this up to see whether or not it is correct.

Out, See what has been omitted in proof by comparing
see copy with the copy.


spell out Substitute full form for abbreviation.

figures Substitute numerical figures.

The signs used to indicate changes should always be placed in the margin of the proof-sheets, and only those marks that show what elements are to be changed should be put in or between the lines of the proof-sheets. The marks in the printed lines and the signs in the margin are often joined by a line to show the connection between them. If this is not done, the signs for the corrections in each line are arranged in the margin in the order in which the marks indicating the elements to be changed appear in the printed line, each sign being set off by a line slanting from right to left. How proof is corrected is shown in the following example:

O] Greenwich, Conn , Jan. 10. Buried un- /-/
der an over turned automobile in a sha- l/
llow stream, Harry B. Green and George
                                              <= lead
     P. Reynolds narrowly escaped death

=/ early to day near Wintonville Bridge l.c.
              ( /
     between Greenwich and little field. Jack =/=
cap————————————/ )