Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/75

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14. Never neglect even for a day a news source on your regular run.

15. Make acquaintances among all classes of people with whom your work brings you in contact.

16. Interest your friends and acquaintances in your work so that they will coöperate with you in getting news.

17. Gather all news quietly and unobtrusively.

18. Be tactful with every one; never make an enemy.

19. Never betray a confidence no matter how big the "scoop" would be if you did.

20. Remember that you can always be both a gentleman and a good reporter.

21. Don't take notes in interviewing.

22. Always know exactly what information you desire before beginning to interview a person.

23. Get advance copies of anything to be quoted directly or indirectly in a news story.

24. Mark the release date plainly at the beginning of all advance copies or stories.

25. Get photographs of persons and events if possible, and write a description on the back of the photographs.

26. File telegraph stories at the earliest possible moment.

27. Always follow instructions.

28. Mail stories, either by regular or special delivery, whenever they will surely reach the newspaper in time for the edition for which they are intended.

29. Never put off till to-morrow sending news that is new to-day.